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Floaters, Retinal Tears and Retinal Detachment - Chinese

What is the Retina?

The retina is a thin layer containing photoreceptor nerve cells that line the back wall of our eyes. It senses light coming into the eyes and sends signals to the brain so that a visual image can be created. In short, the retina is what helps the eyes to see.

Retinal tears and detachment (1)


Floaters are particles suspended in the vitreous, appearing as lines, dots, or cobwebs that move with the eye. They may be more noticeable when looking at a bright plain background, such as a computer screen or the blue sky. Floaters often develop as part of normal ageing and are very common. The vitreous lies between the lens and the retina – which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

Retinal Tears can be caused by Posterior Vitreous Detachment

When we are young, the vitreous gel that fills the eye is in contact with the retina. As we grow older, the vitreous also shrinks in volume, separating from the retina. This is a process called posterior vitreous detachment. In most eyes that undergo posterior vitreous detachment, the vitreous cleanly separates from the retina. Occasionally, the retina may tear as the vitreous pulls away from it. This can be associated with a sudden increase in floaters. Severe trauma may also cause retinal tears.  - a normal and common ageing change in the eye.

Retinal Detachment from a Retinal Tear

If a retinal tear is left untreated, fluid can enter through the tear and lift the retina off, causing a retinal detachment. A person with a retinal detachment may see a shadow in the vision where the detachment is.

Risk Factors

  • Age – older people are more likely to develop retinal detachment 
  • High myopia – very short-sighted
  • Family history of retinal detachment
  • Eye surgery 
  • Eye injury

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment 

  • Sudden shower of floaters (caused by collagen fibres in the vitreous clumping together or from bleeding in the eye)
  • A dark shadow or blurry area in your vision 
  • Flashing lights (caised by the vitreous pulling on the retina as it separates)
  • Vision loss

Treatment for Retinal Tears or Detachment 

If a retinal tear is detected early, a laser can be applied around the tear. This creates scars which seal the retina to the wall of the eye, preventing fluid from entering through the tear and lifting the retina off.

If a retinal detachment has already occurred, you would almost always require surgery to address this. Without appropriate treatment and surgery, a retinal detachment can lead to blindness.

Dilated Eye Examination

While long-standing stable floaters are usually harmless, Besides these aging changes, floaters can occasionally be due to bleeding, inflammation or infection in the eye. You would require a dilated eye examination if you have a recent increase in floaters or flashes, or if you see a shadow in your vision. For the best outcomes, It is important to detect a retinal tear or detachment early, before it affects the central vision.

Contact us

Schedule an appointment if you have any questions

    Dr Chelvin Sng of Chelvin Sng eye center

    Dr Chelvin Sng

    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist
    ✓ 4 Gold Medals (Specialist Accreditation Examination)
    ✓ "Top 50 Rising Stars” (2017), “Top 100 Female Ophthalmologists” (2021), "Top 100 Ophthalmologists" (2022) "Top 100 Ophthalmologists" (2023) and "Top 100 Ophthalmologists" (2024)
    ⋆ Global Ophthalmologist Power List (voted by peers worldwide)
    ✓ Cambridge University Graduate with Triple First Class Honours and Distinctions


    38 Irrawaddy Road Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, #06-25, Singapore 329563


    星期一 - 星期五: 09am - 5pm
    星期六: 09am - 1pm
    星期日 - CLOSED