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Pterygium - Chinese

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A pterygium is a benign fleshy overgrowth of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the outer surface layer of the white part of the eye. The pterygium grows over the cornea, which is the transparent structure at the front of the eye. Pterygia typically develop on the inner corner of the eye nearest the nose, and can occur in one or both eyes.

Symptoms of a Pterygium

An early pterygium may not be very noticeable, and is unlikely to affect your vision or cause discomfort. 

As a pterygium grows, it appears fleshy and triangular, and may cause eye redness. It can distort the shape of the eye to cause astigmatism which requires spectacles correction. It is usually painless but can cause eye discomfort and grittiness. If the pterygium continues to grow across the cornea, it may obstruct the vision.

Risk Factors for Developing a Pterygium

  • UV light: Pterygia are caused by exposure to excessive amounts of UV light, hence are more common in people who live near the equator or those who spend a lot of time outdoors.​
  • Environment: A dry, windy, dusty and sandy environment is a risk factors for developing a pterygium​.
  • Ageing: The incidence of pterygia increases with increasing age.

Preventing the Development of a Pterygium

To reduce the risk of developing a pterygium, wear:

  • Sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection, especially those with a wrap-around design.
  • A wide-brimmed hat when going outdoors, to protect the eyes from sunlight exposure.
  • Suitable eye protection, such as goggles, when spending time in a dusty or dirty environment.

Treatment of a Pterygium


If a pterygium does not cause any symptoms, it does not require treatment. Lubricating eyedrops can be used to relieve the eye discomfort associated with a pterygium.

When there is significant eye redness, a short-term course of topical steroid eyedrops can reduce the inflammation.

Pterygium Surgery

Surgery is the only treatment to remove a pterygium. You may choose surgery if:

  • The pterygium is affecting your vision.
  • The pterygium is causing constant eye irritation.
  • You are unhappy with the cosmetic appearance of the pterygium. 

During surgery, the pterygium is removed, leaving a bare uncovered area. A piece of conjunctiva from the top part of your eye under the eyelid is used to cover this bare area, and is held in place either with stitches or glue. This reduces the risk of the pterygium growing back. After removing the pterygium, this may leave behind a cornea scar. 

The surgery may reduce your astigmatism, but is unlikely to completely eliminate it. After pterygium surgery, it is common to have some eye discomfort and redness for a few weeks. Your eye doctor will prescribe you antibiotic and steroid eyedrops.

Pterygium surgery is generally a safe surgery with a high success rate. In 5 - 10% of people, the pterygium may grow back, especially if there is persistent exposure to high levels of UV light. Most patients who undergo pterygium surgery have a good outcome. 

Contact us

Schedule an appointment if you have any questions

    Dr Chelvin Sng of Chelvin Sng eye center

    Dr Chelvin Sng

    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist
    ✓ 4 Gold Medals (Specialist Accreditation Examination)
    ✓ "Top 50 Rising Stars” (2017), “Top 100 Female Ophthalmologists” (2021), "Top 100 Ophthalmologists" (2022) "Top 100 Ophthalmologists" (2023) and "Top 100 Ophthalmologists" (2024)
    ⋆ Global Ophthalmologist Power List (voted by peers worldwide)
    ✓ Cambridge University Graduate with Triple First Class Honours and Distinctions


    38 Irrawaddy Road Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, #06-25, Singapore 329563


    星期一 - 星期五: 09am - 5pm
    星期六: 09am - 1pm
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